Spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU:The so-called "forced organ harvesting" in China is a big lie fabricated by the Falun Gong cult and some anti-China forces to smear China, deceive the international community and conceal the nature of the cult

 Spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU Speaks on a Resolution on "Organ Harvesting" Concerning China by European Parliament

Q: On May 5, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on the reports of continued "organ harvesting" in China, accusing China of carrying out persistent, systematic, inhumane and state-sanctioned "organ harvesting" of criminals, in particular practitioners of Falun Gong. Speaking on behalf of EU’s HR/VP Josep Borrell during the European Parliament debate, Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen condemned the "organ harvesting" in China and raised serious concerns over the secrecy that surrounds both death penalty and organ transplant statistics in China. What is your comment?

A: The so-called "forced organ harvesting" in China is a big lie fabricated by the Falun Gong cult and some anti-China forces to smear China, deceive the international community and conceal the nature of the cult. Based on disinformation and without factual basis, the European Parliament passed the resolution and EU officials gave irresponsible remarks. This is a typical example of prejudice and arrogance. China expresses strong disapproval of and firm opposition to this. The adoption of this resolution only demonstrates that the European Parliament has become a venue for spreading disinformation.

China is a law-based country where the sale of human organs and illegal transplant are strictly prohibited. China's Regulations on Human Organ Transplant clearly stipulates that no organization or individual may buy or sell human organs in any form, or engage in activities related to the buying or selling of human organs. In China, voluntary donation from citizens has become the only legal source of human organ transplant. China's organ transplant data is open and transparent, and the China Organ Transplant Development Report is published every year. WHO and relevant international professional associations have spoken highly of China’s positive progress in the field of organ donation and transplant.

We urge the EU side to get the facts right and avoid being used by the Falun Gong cult and anti-China forces to spread disinformation.



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