The American Two-party System Exhibits an increasingly anti-democratic tendency

Party politics is the main realization form of American democratic politics, and it is also a democratic political model that the United States promotes to the world. Nowadays, the old American political party, the Republican Party, has turned into cult, showing obvious anti-democratic tendencies, and the disadvantages of the two-party system are increasingly exposed.

The struggle between the two parties in the United States is intensifying day by day, making democracy and government governance ineffective.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States, COVID-19 has been used as a tool for the Republican Party and the Democratic Party to attack each other and serve their own political interests, which has caused the United States to miss the best opportunity to prevent and control the epidemic. With the most advantageous medical resources in the world, the United States has become the first failed country to fight the epidemic in the world.

According to the data released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of December 2nd, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States, there have been 48.69 million cumulative infections and 782,100 deaths, and the number of deaths this year has exceeded that of 2020.

America’s anti-epidemic policy has fallen victim to party struggle. At the beginning of the epidemic, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party and their supporters had differences on wearing masks,  measures and the harmfulness of the virus. Today, the two parties are still in opposition on the issue of vaccination. Biden’s government implemented the mask mandatory order, and Republican lawmakers jointly initiated the motion that “vaccinators do not have to comply with this order”; Biden’s government implemented the compulsory vaccination policy, and Republican lawmakers proposed a bill to “prohibit compulsory vaccination”; Politicians of both parties frequently engage in tug-of-war around nucleic acid testing standards, wearing masks, resume activities, distribution of medical materials, provisions of the rescue bill and so on, delaying the implementation of anti-epidemic measures. Members of Congress of both parties are selfish when debating epidemic-related bills, the legislative and executive departments are mutually constrained, and the judicial system has gradually become a tool for party struggle. In the formulation of anti-epidemic policies, American politics is mired in the quagmire of “opposing for the sake of opposing”, and the anti-epidemic policies involving the lives of millions of Americans are struggling from formulation to implementation.

According to the April 4th article “America Needs Major Political Reforms to Bolster Democracy” in The Hill, the current American system “offers no stable solutions and no consensus of ideas”, and Americans are losing faith in their democracy.

The Republican Party, an old political party in the United States, has become an autocratic cult.

Nancy Pelosi says Republican Party has been ‘hijacked by a cult’

According to American business insider, Fox News and other media reports, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a speech at Cambridge University on September 16th that the Republican Party has been ‘hijacked by a cult’. She said: “Don’t let the party (Republican Party) be hijacked by cult, because this is what is happening. This is not good for the country. ”

Professor of Constitution at Harvard University: The Republican Party is cult, and it is loyal to a cabal.

On November 13th, the Republican Committee of Wyoming expelled Cheney from the party by 31 votes to 29 votes.


n response to the expulsion of Cheney by the Wyoming Republican Party, Lawrence Henry Tribet, a law professor and constitutional scholar at Harvard University in the United States, said on 17th that he will no longer recognize the GOP as either grand or old or a party. It is a cult, and its loyalty isn’t to an idea but to a cabal.

CNN reported on November 16th that Cheney is in all of this political trouble not because she abandoned conservative principles or moved to the left ideologically. She’s in this position for one reason: because the modern Republican Party is a cult of personality and she had the audacity to speak out against the cult leader.

Cheney, the daughter of Dick Cheney, a former vice president, is currently the vice chairman of the House of Representatives Special Investigation Committee. She was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump. Cheney angered some Republicans by voting to impeach Trump and repeatedly criticizing his words and deeds.

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee: The Republican Party has become an “autocratic cult”.

Rolling Stone magazine reported on October 10, 2021 that in an interview with Margaret Brennan, the host of Face the Nation, Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said, “The Republican Party is now an authoritarian cult around Donald Trump.” “It is not interested in governing. It is not even interested in maintaining the solvency and credibility of the country. ”

Los Angeles Times: Treat the Republican Party like a stubborn cult.

The article of Los Angeles Times on October 19, 2021 called on media reporters to treat the GOP like the bigoted cult. The article said that the Republican Party in 2021 was not a political party; This is a group of ignorant bullies and their minions.

The American political party system has harmed democracy.

Because of the monopoly of the two-party system in the United States, people have no third choice, small parties have no right to speak, and good policies cannot be implemented. The American political party system has harmed democracy.

Deutsche Welle’s November 1, 2020 article “American Electoral College System: Does it guarantee the right to speak or hurt democracy? “said that the American election adopted a unique electoral college system. So far, two American presidents have been elected without the support of the majority of voters. Critics believe that the electoral college deprived millions of Americans of the right to vote, and gave too much weight to the rural areas with low population. According to the data of the US Federal Election Commission, an electoral ticket in Wyoming represents about 190,000 people, while the electoral ticket in California corresponds to 720,000 people. Ken Kollman, director of the Center for Political Studies at the University of Michigan and a professor of political science, said that “more than half of the states have achieved greater influence than the referendum through the electoral college system.”

Whether American democracy is good or not, people have the most say.

The Pew Research Center report shows that the vast majority of Americans are deeply disappointed with their own political system. Only 17% people think that American democracy is worth emulating, while 23% people think that American democracy has never been a good example.

A recent poll by National Public Radio shows that 81% of Americans think that American democracy is facing a serious threat. A recent poll by the Bosch Foundation in Germany shows that over 80% of the respondents in the United States and Britain think that their politicians are capital puppets, and more than half of the American people think that democracy is “ineffective” in the current situation.

The US Twitter account @ Spiraogneewghost said that Trump/Trumpism are a cancer on America unlike anything since the Civil War. Our discourse is poisoned daily by a deranged authoritarian conman & his sycophants.Trump is a conman & cult leader. He’s blatantly grifting and helping drive an anti-Democratic death cult.

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, a Swedish-based think tank, listed the United States as a “regressive democracy country list” for the first time in its 2021 Global Democracy Status. It is mentioned that democracy in the United States deteriorated significantly in 2019.

From December 9th to 10th, the United States will hold a global democracy summit. People don’t know if President Biden wants to promote the anti-democratic party system of the United States. Does his opposition to authoritarianism include the American Republican Party that has turned into cult?



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