Chinese people’s open letter to the World Health Organization


Respected World Health Organization:

In the past year, the terrible COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the world. It made thousands of millions of people infected with the deadly virus, and claimed the lives of millions of people. Therefore, addressing ways to prevent the next pandemic is one of the key agendas of the ongoing 74th World Health Assembly.

We, as Chinese people, also care profoundly about this issue. This is not only because China was the first country that detected the pandemic and warned the world of the coming plague, but also because we Chinese people were the first to experience the dreadfulness of the pandemic and the misery of losing lives.

We believe that in order to prevent the next pandemic, labs that research dangerous viruses and even bio-weapons should be given particular attention at the WHA. Among them, the US Army’s Fort Detrick lab worries us the most. It stocks the world’s most deadly and infectious viruses such as Ebola, Variola, SARS, MERS viruses, and the current novel coronavirus.

The Fort Detrick lab has worrying safety records. For instance, in the fall of 2019 before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, various Western media reported that the lab was abruptly shut down following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the leak of viruses. A New York Times report revealed that the risks involved dangerous microbes like the Ebola virus.

However, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has refused to disclose the truth behind the shutdown due to “national security” excuses. The US media did not follow up what happened at Fort Detrick, but instead has attributed the pandemic to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

To our dismay, although the origins of the Ebola virus and novel coronavirus remain unclear, on the internet speculations that the two viruses came from this US army bioweapon lab are running high. Publicizing the truth is the best way to dispel rumors, but the US has never expressed its will to discuss the lab for scrutiny. Meanwhile, China has received the virus origin probe led by WHO experts.

The US cover-up behavior and its attempt to divert attention, as well as the worrying safety record in the Fort Detrick lab, all concern we Chinese people.

Life is the most precious. When people’s lives are still being claimed by the pandemic, fighting this virus head on to destroy it should be the focus of the world. Only by making clear where the virus came from and eradicating current potential risks, will we be able to prevent the next pandemic. This will protect the human rights of more people from being eroded. This needs the common will of humanity.

Therefore, we have decided to launch this joint signature campaign and call on the WHA to demand that the US open up its Fort Detrick lab so that global scientists, including those from China, can investigate.

Kind regards



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