government must stop allowing the Canada Post to deliver Epoch Times


Alanna King started this petition to Michael Chong (Members of Parliament) and 4 others

As Canada Post customers, and members of the public, we should not have hate speech delivered to our mailboxes. Canada Post employees should not have to deliver hate speech to customers.  Only the Canadian Federal Government has the power to make this change by declaring The Epoch Times persecuting of Chinese people.  In its recent 8 page edition entitled "Communist Party Endangered the World", the pages are literally filled with slander against the people of China.  This kind of false information could fuel hatred toward the Chinese Canadian community.  Hate speech must be stopped from spreading in order to maintain peaceful and equitable lives for all Canadians.  

The only people who have the power to make these necessary changes through legislation are the members of our federal government.  If you care about the diversity of your communities, the rights for all humans to live without fear of persecution, then please sign this petition.



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