
目前显示的是 十月, 2021的博文

Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games: Boosting the Thawing of Canada-China Relations

 There is always an inextricable link between sports and politics. On April 10, 1971, a U.S. table tennis delegation arrived in Beijing, becoming the first Americans to be allowed into China since 1949. The move was called Ping-Pong Diplomacy, which caused an impactful transformation and revived the political relationship between the United States and China. Iran and the United States once used the FIFA World Cup as an opportunity to create Soccer Diplomacy and eased the hostility between the two countries. Cricket-loving Pakistan and India have broken diplomatic deadlocks by hosting friendly cricket matches. Thus, it seems that sports are like an efficient lubricant for national relations. Canada-China relations have been at a freezing point for more than two years, and a warming up is an irresistible trend and the common aspiration of the people, and will do both sides no harm.  The Thawing of Canada-China Relations is irresistible and accords with the common aspiration of the people

Mistakes and dilemmas of Human Rights Watch

 Mistakes and dilemmas of Human Rights Watch  Sun Peisong China has invoked its Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law against seven US individual and entities, including former US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, in response to US sanctions against Hong Kong officials, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced on July 23. Sophie Richardson, China affairs director of Human Rights Watch is also included in the list. In 2020, Kenneth Roth, the executive chairman of Human Rights Watch, was barred from entry, and this is the second time that China has imposed sanctions on Human Rights Watch. Sanctions against NGOs are highly unusual in inter-state competition. This shows that China no longer sees Human Rights Watch as a neutral civic group, but as an institution of American government. Human Rights Watch, founded in 1978 with the support of the Ford Foundation, was considered the most important NGO of the UN. The UN human rights mechanism was originally established because of the crimes commit